Experts Share The Reality Behind Apple Cider Vinegar And Its Wild Impact On The Body

These days, you can hardly go online without seeing someone claim a wondrous outcome from drinking tons of apple cider vinegar. ACV’s like a magical elixir that makes the rich and beautiful enjoy stellar health and wellbeing, apparently. And it’s not just celebs – some trained medics join them in the hype. But what’s the truth about ACV?

So many benefits

The list of purported benefits is as long as your arm. It fights diabetes. It’ll help you lose weight. It’ll lower your blood pressure. It’ll even make your skin glow as though you’d swallowed a table lamp, battling acne into the bargain. It can even cure cancer – or so they say.

Truth or fiction?

But can ACV really be the panacea that some think it to be? Or is it just the latest snake oil, ineffective against any of the complaints that vinegar-sippers claim it helps with? Can there really be any benefit from sour fruit juice, or should it just be tipped away – or at least restricted to flavoring a salad?

Supposed benefits

Talking of salad, one of the claims made of ACV is that it’ll slay bacteria if you douse your green stuff with it. And if you swig it, it’ll rid you of soreness in your throat and make swollen veins disappear. It can cut your weight and help your heart stay healthy, and you can apparently use it to keep your hair free of dandruff as well!

Anti-cancer properties

One of the more extreme claims is that it can help in the fight against cancer. And some research projects have certainly shown that pouring vinegar directly onto cancer cells doesn’t do the cells any good. Mind you, it’s pretty hard to imagine how you could apply vinegar onto a cancer within the human body.